getting there!
It has been quite a while since I have updated you on our shower progress. Sadly, that coincides with the fact that not much has gotten accomplished on it, but that’s not to say we haven’t been busy. Spring brings warm weather, which means outside work and kids’ sports schedules. This year, we have the added anticipation of new kids…goat kids that is! Our girls are pregnant!! We have also been introducing this year’s turkeys and meat chickens to the landscape. But enough about farming, we can talk about that in the farm posts. On to home renovations!
When we left off in March, we had just finished water testing the membrane for leaks and tiling the floor. The next step was to seal the wall tiles. Natural stone can be porous, so it’s important to use an impregnator sealer to stop the water from getting through. Here’s what it looked like after 2 coats and before going on the wall.
If you remember how varied the floor stones are, you’ll see it will pair nicely with these tiles. I love the color variation. The dark tones and wood walls really compliment each other (my parents would disagree, but that’s ok!).
After that soaked in, it was time to apply it to the wall with mortar. Unfortunately, I didn’t snap many pictures during that time. As a homeschooling mother of 5 and now farm wife/homesteader, my phone fills up rather quickly. I know some of you can relate! Anyway, after many late nights on the porch with the tile saw, we finally got everything cut and adhered. Time to grout!
Doesn’t it look awesome?!?! Here’s another view…
In my quest to hit every possible obstacle before finishing this shower, they sent the wrong door (sigh). That added another couple of weeks, but I think the wait was worth it. After choosing tile that we loved and putting so much effort into the install, I really wanted a clear door that wouldn’t hide it from view. Eventually, the right doors came, so without further ado (please forgive the glare)…
It’s FINALLY finished!
It’s hard to believe that less than a year ago, this was a vinyl-covered shelf-lined pantry overflow and is now well on it’s way to a luxurious master bathroom! It feels like we’re finally getting there.